Wednesday, July 1, 2009


today was an amazing and long day. but long in the good way, long in the way you wish you had more time because you could spend it so easily. we started the morning off visiting a gypsy village that the bruski's have been working hard to keep running water in. for the first time in a very long while aaron was thrilled to see the water was not out, but still working. we got to spend a good bit of time with the children of the village, some not dressed, all dirty, yet all completly full of God's love. when you are with any group of children it is so easy to see why Jesus told us come unto him as little children. all the children geniunely crave attention, and we were blessed enough to be able to give them some. it is truly humbling to have someone show you immense amounts of love purely because you are paying attention. after the village we were able to go and move carmen, a woman the bruski's have befriended and their daughter paige was able to lead to the Lord just recently. we moved her out of government housing, with her two children and one on the way and into a woman's center, sort of a we'll hold you here until you have your baby and are back healthy place. it is a huge step up in the world, but also a scary one, because it is a far cry from her old life. please pray for her. at night the orphans came for wednesday night service, and they played games, were fed, and then met for service. brother dan sang, robin gave a short talk on being a disciple, and then we woodlakers got up and shared our testimony and what it means to us to be a disciple. again these children are so talented and starved for attention, it is quite amazing how they make you feel. they not only break your heart, but they fill it with amazement in their dispositions and how they face life. many can say that life has had an impact on them, but i can truly say i have been changed, and it has been for the better. thank you for your earnest prayers and please continue. we miss you all, and yet we crave for more time to see God moving in earnest. we will see you on our nations birthday! sleep well america.

ps. tomorrow we are working in the bruskis garden and doing a sort of vacation bible school for a village, it is quite a show, bro dan sings, ms pat and stephanie do crafts, craig and selena do a fantastic puppet show on stephanie, and i teach on the wee little man in the sycamore tree. we will update again as soon as we can

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